My newest acquisition is what I refer to as a “tweak n’ kick”. The form supposedly is all wrong and the canopy will supposedly drive me freakin’ nuts. Well. It is at the “4” skill level, which means that if I don’t have a screaming maniacal fit while trying to assemble this thing, I’m actually doing quite well.

The first thing I’m going to need when I start this beast is a good year’s supply of putty. From what I hear is the ejection seats are very basic, the whole cockpit will probably need a Paragon resin cockpit detail set and plainly, it’s one that will challenge me. As Bobski says on ARC, I’m going to have to put a lot of love and effort into that kit…and hey, it’ll probably turn out pretty well. Now, that’s if I knew what the friggin’ hell I was doing.
I’m going to focus on my F-14A and my Monogram MiG 29 first and finish those, but during the interim, I’m going to collect certain aircraft…and in between the architectural photography projects, work and freelance photography, I’ll set my mind to completing the model kits…that I have in my stash.

Despite its difficulty rating, I should be able to complete this kit with the tools that I have at hand. I do have to seriously look at an X-Acto knife with a slightly heavier handle, because I’ve had an X-Acto slip in my teens (it dropped into my thigh…fleshy part…OUCH…luckily it didn’t hit a vein or artery) and I definitely do not want to gouge into my finger. I don’t know why heavier handles handle better. But actually spending the money for an “X-Acto” may be the route to go. I do have yet to get myself the Dremel, but I think I’ll pick one up eventually. After the IR filter and the tripod.

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