Monday, December 7, 2009

Entry Dated August 30, 2008 - What you can find to help you on YouTube

Building models is probably not the easiest thing to do and a lot of us aren't really happy with just reading text on pages and books. Some of us like to have some sort of visual on how certain techniques are done. This is what Brett Green at Hyperscale has teamed up with Testors to create. The Testors Scale Workshop video series. These are to help provide a visual reference for people who want to learn how to use those techniques to better their model kits.

I for one have been confused by people talking about pre-shading, post-shading, and oil-washes, how to set them up and how to use them. I'm looking forward to trying out these new techniques now that I have visualized how they work and how to go about implementing them in whatever models I tend to like to tackle.

So, if you're confused, take a look at these videos and see if Brett Green can give you a hand too.

Brett Green's Testors Scale Workshop Videos on YouTube

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