What can I say about today other than the fact that I managed to get my grubby little paws on that lovely little Revell-Germany F-5E Tiger II. My excuse is that it was “lonely”. There were no other Tiger IIs for it to play with. No Italeri boxings to heckle, just a couple of “superior” 1/32nd scale F-5Es that tend to look down disparagingly on 1/48 kits. The boxing is the same as that Monogram F-5E (just that it’s a Revell-Germany boxing; not the Monogram (box different, mold is the same)) that I bought when I was 15 years old, and that is well over 22 years ago. I have a decal sheet from the VFC-13 Fighting Saints that I intend to create an F-5E Tiger II from. What I would love to see is Monogram re-release the F-5E and F-5F, then I can create a nice little stockpile. Who would have thought that I would get engrossed in making repetitive kits of the same type of aircraft? But when you have the proliferation of camouflage patterns that you get with Aggressor aircraft, you just can’t help but want to do one aircraft of each color pattern.

Of course when you get into Aggressors, then you end up boresighting ‘cause all you’re doing is buying F/A-18As & Bs, F-16A thru Ds, certain variants of A-4s, TA-4Js and a couple of damn F-14s since Top Gun had one in Flanker colors and one in desert camo. NSAWC also had one that was painted up like an “Ali-Cat” (Iranian F-14A).
The sad fact of being employed “near” a hobby shop means that during my days that I end up getting off at 5 or 6:30PM, my route home will include the hobby-shop (it’s open till 9 PM FYI)!!!
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