Last month, we talked about moving with built model kits. This month we're talking about moving with unbuilt kits. As you know, model kits which are unbuilt take up a lot of space. Each model company has different styles of packaging; some packaging such as Hasegawa or Testors being bigger than most. Italeri and Revell-Germany have started being more conservative in their packaging as have Revell - North America (or what used to be Monogram).
Now in order to pack model kits. One must always get a size bigger than the largest model that you have. Then pack the largest kit in first, then you end up being more creative in the packing of the rest of the smaller kits. Do not pack them so that they will be squashed in, but pack them in so that they are "snug" and don't move around. You should only need maybe one or two large boxes if you have a small collection. If you're a major collector/builder and have model kits in the neighbourhood of 3000 or more, then you'd best be looking at a container to ship your kits in. Ahhh-So-Easy has containers that you can lock up as do some other personal container companies. Of course the personal containers have some cost to them but when you have a large number of kits, that may be the only way to get your kits from one place to another without having to keep track of large numbers of boxes.
Here's how I've packed a number of small kits in a box. Notice that there is space enough for some more 1/144 kits, however since I don't have them, they've just become space. I do plan on going on the 17th and buying a large box so that I can amalgamate all my model boxes into two big boxes of models. That way, I can free up a few more boxes for other belongings. I do intend on getting one so that I can rearrange some of the boxes and put some other stuff in there. For about $3.75 at U-Haul , I believe, I could get a pretty nice size box and save some of my other boxes for other belongings.
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