It's been quite some time since I've actually set glue to parts, and yes, I'm starting to get very antsy. There are well over 40 kits in my collection now and I still haven't managed to do much on any of them.
The MiG 29 is still only partially complete. I have to do major putty work to the body. I have yet to do anything with regards to the Spitfire Mk. II, and I was hoping to get some work done on the F-14A Tomcat, however at this current rate, I won't be able to until we get out of the place we're in. Having neighbors complaining about the smell of the paint and the noise of the compressor is not the best way to get the landlord on your side about certain matters that may need to be dealt with. So model-building is out, at least until we get our own place. Plus it's a little too damned cramped to spread out.
So, what can I do in the interim? Well, research for one. Gather material information and decide on what I want to do with the kits that I have. There's always a way of getting around the "not being able to model" dilemma. And perusing hobby shops and buying model-magazines like FSM or any of the British scale-modeling mags is a good way of vicariously enjoying the hobby until you can get back to the modeling bench.
Well, as soon as I get back to the modeling bench the 80s era VF-41 Sukhoi Killers is going on the bench. I plan to take about three to four months to build the F-14A, finish up the MiG 29 (as inaccurate as it may be) and then work on the Spit. In the meantime, posting up as many pics as I can on this blog.
So there are plenty of things to do with the hobby other than feeling unable to do anything building-related. But my next problem is...what's the next build after I complete the F-14A, MiG 29 and the Spit?
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